1. SMS marketing
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Also known as Push campaigns, it’s the most common form of SMS communication with the consumers and its role is to build brand notoriety and its clients loyalty. SMS campaigns allow the exploitation of an existing client database and its main purpose is to communicate offers, promotions and news.

This service can be divided in other applications extremely useful according to their specific purpose:

  • Recurring alerts (periodic alerts, strictly predefined to remind the recipient of something)
  • Reminders (automatic notifications to announce the client of something, such as issuing an invoice)
  • Validations (i.e.: resending passwords to online accounts)

Furthermore, please select the number of messages that you would like to order.

  • 500 /SMSes
  • 1000 /SMSes
  • 5000 /SMSes
  • 10000 /SMSes
  • 20000 /SMSes


*Dynamic SenderID
You have the option of sending personalized messages.

Prices do not contain VAT. Invoice will be issued in RON, at RNB course.


Choose a Sender ID

You have the option of sending personalized messages. (max. 11 chars)

20000 SMS * 0.035¢ = 700.00 EUR

Technologies used in Bulk SMS Marketing

SOAP API to send bulk SMS

SOAP is a simple XML based protocol that allows changing information applications through HTTP. SOAP API offers a way to communicate between applications that run on...

• It accepts text, Unicode and flash messages;

• Support for all languages with special characters (Arab, Chinese, Greek, etc.);

• Support for concatenated messages (long SMS)

• Support for bulk sending;

• Dynamic sender identity;

• Delivery reports;

• Easy to use.

HTTP API to send bulk SMS

HTTP API is the easiest way to connect to sendsms.ro. All you have to do is make a HTTP call using whatever programming language you desire.

• It accepts text, Unicode and flash messages;

• Support for all languages with special characters (Arab, Chinese, Greek, etc.);

• Support for concatenated messages (long SMS)

• Support for bulk sending;

• Dynamic sender identity;

• Delivery reports;

• Easy to use.

SMPP API to send bulk SMS

Sendsms.ro offers SMPP connections to users who need to send a large volume of messages, at high speed every month. Using a SMPP connection, you’re...

• It accepts text, Unicode and flash messages;

• Support for all languages with special characters (Arab, Chinese, Greek, etc.) / Support for concatenated messages (long SMS)
/ Support for bulk sending;

• Dynamic sender identity / Real time delivery reports;

• Easy to use (the connection is independent of the programming language / platform);

• Can support thousands ofd SMSs per second for each account.

Want more?

The necessity to communicate imposes a number of more than 20000 messages? No problem. Our monthly capacity is up to 129.000.000 messages. We can offer API for automatic sending, competitive pricing and support for implementation.

Contact us

Agency program

Winning together” – this is one of our mottos. We can offer our “white-label” application, ready to be personalized with your agency’s logo and installed on whichever domain you want. But first, let’s have a coffee and talk about how you…

Contact us

How to send Bulk SMS Messages - Video Tutorial

If you have further questions for which you haven’t found answers here

Do not hesitate to contact us.